從2011年的11月開始, 我這個跨中西文化的美國媳婦會在這溫暖小窩裡寫下伯朗一家的過去, 現在, 和未來的期許...讓彩色的生命不留白!



I tried a different recipe this time and the rolls didn't turn out as soft and moist as the first recipe.

I still recommend this recipe that I used last time.

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Our son C.B. started sketching around Feb. 2013.  He took the advice of a good friend who told him that he needed to start his profolio in order to apply for an Architecture major in a good college in the States.

So he started with objects.  C.B. never took any art lessons outside of school. I was very pleased to see how his sketches turned out.

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This is the second model our son made during this summer:

He drew this before he started making the model.



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When did C.B. become interested in architecture? I need to ask him, but I think it's at the end of 10th grade year.  He started paying attention to the structure of interesting buildings in the city we live in.  There are always tall risers being built.  He started sketching with pencils as well as doing sketch up on Google.

This summer C.B. checked out a few architecture books from a public library near his grandparents' house and started making models as he planned before we left Taiwan.  He took the materials he bought at the supplies shop in Taiwan with us to the States.

He was inspired by this building in the book and starting drawing it on paper. 


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Before his fourth birthday, C.B. finally could sit down

and concentrate on a calm activity game besdies computer games.

He enjoyed building things that looked very interesting.  

Like this one, it didn't look like it would balance but it did.

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提燈巡走世界監獄的南丁格爾-韋艾美  ~轉錄於今日基督教報Christian Daily  http://news.dhf.org.tw/
看到韋艾美(Emmy Wilson),很少人能聯想眼前幽默又愛笑的英國女性,花了大半輩子和愛滋病患、遊民、重刑犯共處。 


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1. On vacations, your parents took photos like this:


 On vacations, your parents took photos like this:

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這是迄今為止國內最最詳細權威的「身體酸鹼性原理」剖析, 是在朋友的facebook看到的, 既然翻譯原文的筆者要求讀者轉寄, 伯朗太太就共襄盛舉啦!





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 看著兒子日益茁壯英挺, 女兒也從小時的可愛模樣變成亭亭玉立的少女, 

 我和伯朗先生也一起慢慢在改變, 就是一起變老啊!


 平時有在運動的我右腳開始痛, 所以也開始注意到運動時也需小心

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