I recieved a letter from INS for an interview in Feb. 23, 2006, but it was during our work and shcool time. So my husband wrote back and requested to postpone it to June when it's our summer to go back to the States. We got a notice but the interview date was April 19, 2006. With frustration, we wrote back again and asked to have the interview in June. Finally it was scheduled on June 8th.
He also printed out the material for me to study and memorize for the interview. It was very thick, but I studied quite diligently for 6 months.
為了應付美國面試, 老公上網找到並幫我印了這本厚厚的美國歷史讀本.
I can't find the same material on line, but you may check this out:
Study Materials for the English Test http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.749cabd81f5ffc8fba713d10526e0aa0/?vgnextoid=4982df6bdd42a210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=4982df6bdd42a210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD
In the morning I dressed in formal clothes and carried all the required documents for the interview. It was a man who conducted the interview and he looked like he was from India. He was very friendly and asked for some documents to look at. Then he asked me these five questions. They were very easy since I memorized lots of harder ones. With the cramming (memorizing) skills from being a Taiwan student for so many years, I answered all the questions correctly. It was really a piece of cake!
以下是面試我的考官問我的5個問題, 對我這個受過台灣教育, 並身經百戰(大大小小考試)的台灣人來說, 實在是一塊蛋糕(a piece of cake:太簡單了)!
Five Questions:美國公民面試問題 Answers:
1. What do we celebrate on the fourth of July? Independence Day
2. What is the supreme law of the United States? The Constitution
3. How many Supreme Court justices are there? 9
4. Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"? Patrick Henry
5. What were the 13 original states of the United States called before they were states? Colonies
The material I studied covered all of what he asked. I could find every single question he asked. Thanks to my husband who found this good material for me to study.
I passed the test! The next and the last step is to attend the Annual Naturalization Ceremony in Seattle on July.
During the ceremony I sat between three African men and took the oath. (See photo below) It's easy to find me in the picture! (左下照片裡, 我在中間下面, 坐在兩個 黑人之間, 我遠遠看到老公在照相於是對鏡頭笑!)
We all had to say "The Pledge of Allegiance" :
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
After the ceremony, we went inside of the Space Needle gift shop and kids wanted to try the machine to print Space Needle on a penny. We had a great day on Fourth of July and it was a special day to become an American citizen!
So I became an American citizen on the Indendance Day! 這就是伯朗太太在美國國慶日變成美國公民的經過, 不過這是拿到綠卡之後的事了! 結婚後, 申請綠卡的過程並不難, 但是有綠卡到變成公民的過程就很繁瑣, 尤其我們結婚後在美國還沒住滿3年就來台灣久住, 讓申請過程更加困難!
Yeah...! 結婚11後終於拿到美國護照了!