High Honors (9th grade): GPA of 3.8 and higher (grades nine scores above 3.8)
High Honors (11th grade): GPA of 3.8 and higher for three quarters of work this year (11 year results in 3.8 above)
Violin Choir (Allegro Moderato from Op 8, No. 5 .... Ignaz Joseph Pleyel
Piano Quintet: Country Dance from Four English Dances in the Olden Style ... Sir Frederic Hymen Cowen
The Susan Feistel Award: Juniors with a 3.5 or higher cumulative grade point average for five consecutive semesters
(Nine consecutive semesters grader 53.5 or higher)
Piano Quartet, Clog Dance: Handel in the Strand...............Percy Aldridge Graninger
Art Show