June 7th, Thursday
I had to go to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle to apply for visa.
照片中間可以看到西雅圖著名的Space Needle (菊色)
We could see the famous Space Needle (in the middle of the picture) as we were driving closer
to Seattle.
Nick's mom took kids and me to shop at K-mart.
在 candy isle 的糖果種類多的嚇人吧! 整排到底
One of the toy isles, I still love to look at dolls, although our daughter doesn't play with them now.
New Barbie doll that's the teange girl. Wish they had made this kind earlier, because
it looks a little like our daughter.
The new Barbie that's a little girl, but older than Kelly dolls.
June 8, Friday evening:
Nick's sister's family came to have dinner with us. Our daughter is reading a book to her cousin.
Kids and cousins are playing.
Dinner time (I am not in the picture becaue I took the picture.)
Two cute houses on the same block as my in-law's house
The elementary school in front of their house. Kids went to the playgroud to play after dinner.
The garden at the elementary school.
Part of the playground
To be continued...