Dear mother,
美國Independence Day (Fourth of July) 剛過, 我們去奧瑞岡州拜訪老朋友. (國慶日的照片有空會潑)
Our friends took us to their cousin's farm to have dinner last Friday.
Ellie, our friends' daughter, is showing Autin, her cousin, how to take pictures.
My dear friend, Tara.
I was afraid that the horse was going to eat my hand.
Chris is holding their dog, 貴賓狗和拉布拉多混種, her name is Jen Ju (珍珠). They missed 珍珠奶茶 too much when they named the dog.
We were still a little bit sleepy after we got up in the morning on the second day.
Noodles from us.
I asked Esther to take a picture of me and Jen Ju because I was always taking picture of others.
It was the girls' idea to put Ellie's sunglasses on Jen Ju. She looked so cute with them on.
They wer very excited to see the 珍珠 we brought here.
Friends of 16 years are friends forever...
Uncle Jim with kids...