We invited my aunt and her family over for dinner. I went to dad's vegetable garden to pick lettuce.
I am getting ready to make salad. Mom will make macroni and cheese.
Kids helped set the table for 11 people.
I picked plums from the neighbor's tree.
Before guests arrived, we finished baking macroni and cheese. Mom hurt her back so she's walking with a walker.
Mom showed 舅婆 her stitch work.
Dinner time...macroni and Cheese, shrimp, and salad, plums,.......
尼克現煮的藍莓醬汁, 大家都讚不絕口!
After dinner we showed them dad's garden. They were amazed by the vegetables that dad's growing because they are big and good looking.
My aunt is quite tall. 她結婚前是華航空姐呢!
My aunt's husband, Josha, really likes mom and dad's library.
We had a good time with them. Hopefull we can see them next year!