Since our son became interested in architecture, Mr. Brown thought it would be good to do some volunteer work when we were in the States. They applied to help at Habitat with Humanity and went to an orientation first. Then they were assigned to work at two different sites for many days.
This is the second site they were helping. I heard that it's to help a low income family to remodel their house. I was standing in front of the house.
Habitat Humanity is a non-profit organization. Its goal is to help poor people to have their own house and learn to manage their financial situation.
Schedule for today:
They wanted to add an extra room for utilities and a back porch with staircase going to the back yard.
Working on the utility room (laundry room).
Blaire is retired. He's not a professional house builder but has volunteered since he retired from his job as a_______(I need to check with Mr. Brown).
Other volunteers were working in the kitchen area.
Building the deck now...(後陽台)
The work wasn't done before we came back to Taiwan. We did receive pictures from the crew when the house was finished. I will get the pictures and post them here. Overall it was a very good experience for them. They both enjoyed it soooooo much.