從2011年的11月開始, 我這個跨中西文化的美國媳婦會在這溫暖小窩裡寫下伯朗一家的過去, 現在, 和未來的期許...讓彩色的生命不留白!

目前分類:※第二週釣魚,玩雪,溪邊... (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Rainbow Trout Farm

We are leaving tomorrow and we found this Rainbow Trout Farm that our kids are interested to go.  The fishing poles are free to borrow, but we have to pay for the fish that we catch.  People cannot toss the fish they caught back to the pond.  We paid 18 dollars (about 540NT) for three fish our kids caught  that day.  



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 奧瑞岡州的Mt. Hood




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Multnomah Falls in Oregon




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 奧瑞岡州的Salmon River 

 First day (Monday): 在我們住的Whispering Woods Resort附近有一個trail可以走到 Salmon River.



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We left Tacoma, Washington Sunday afternoon around 1:30pm. 

On the way to Mt. Hood, we drove through this town that had a very interesting train station.



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