奧瑞岡州的Salmon River
First day (Monday): 在我們住的Whispering Woods Resort附近有一個trail可以走到 Salmon River.
剛開始先生和孩子們只是在拿石子打水漂兒 後來不知是誰突發奇想開始造石橋
接下來幾天不管去哪兒玩都會再來這裡繼續搬石頭 能造多長就多長
Nick and kids started building a bridge from where we were standing and everyday they wanted to come back to build more.
2nd Day June 12, Tuesday (after Multnomah Falls)
第二次來 (從瀑布回來後, 大家都想回來這裡蓋石橋, 連下雨也無所謂)
3rd Day (June 13, Wed. after Mt. Hood)
第三次來, 今天去了護德山玩雪, 回到我們住的地方, 大家仍想去我們的伯朗水壩去造石橋了
4th time(June 14, Thursday after Rainbow Trout Farm):
Last Day (Because we were leaving the next day, so we wanted to do something special to have a closure.)
第四次也是最後一次, 因為明天就要結束在奧瑞岡州Welches的假期, 回去公婆家了
I am going to miss my walking trail. 我將會想念這個步道
I wrote 毅力 on the stone, it means endurance or perserverance.
We got tired, so took a little break.
Bye bye, our big accomplishment! We didn't want to say goodbye but had to.