Little Boy Bullied His Entire Life Gets a Chance to Shine on National Television

Andrew has been bullied his entire life and you can tell that he still carries the pain with him...but he doesn't let that ruin his spirit. Watch him completely win over the judges with this angelic performance of "Pie Jesu." God sure blessed him with a beautiful talent!

安德魯從小就喜歡唱歌, 6歲加入教堂的唱詩班, 他總是被其他孩子欺負,拿著麥克風提及時仍然帶著傷痛,他說同學們不喜歡他熱愛的音樂, 但安德魯沒有讓自己永遠沮喪下去。請觀賞他完全贏得裁判和觀眾掌聲的天使般的表現。”上帝賜給他一個美麗的天賦!

英國的"Britains Got Talent"這個TV show有點像我們以前的"五燈獎", 有很多有才藝的新人都從這裡脫穎而出的! 現在很多國家都相繼有類似這個的TV show出現. 台灣也有, 叫作"星光大道".




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