
Over the summer a car accident totally changed the life of my family . We experienced 21 days of grace, just like Psalm 66: 10-12 says, “For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.”今年的暑假發生一場車禍,改變了我們全家,21天恩典之日,正如詩篇661012神阿、你曾試驗我們、熬煉我們、如熬煉銀子一樣。你使我們進入網羅、把重擔放在我們的身上。你使人坐車軋我們的頭.我們經過水火.你卻使我們到豐富之地。


 On June 5my husband and my daughter were riding a scooter past the China Medical Hospital. They were hit by a truck that was turning left illegally. They were both unconscious. There was a doctor passing by who was the parent of a 9th grade at Morrison;  he immediately performed CPR for my husband and called the hospital for intensive care, so they were saved from more serious danger. Later I found out that the accident location was at the wall of Morrison’s old campus.  My husband suffered contusions in both lungs, bleeding from his left lung into his chest, and  fractures to his face, the first to eighth ribs on his left side, his left clavicle fracture, and his left scapula. My daughter had serious internal bleeding in her head, open fractures on her left tibia, and fractures to her 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th bones of her left foot. At that time my husband suffered extremely. My daughter was unconscious. I went through total of their six operations, each one taking seven to eight hours. In total, there were two weeks of ICU and 21 days in the hospital. I almost collapsed during the hard time, but thanks to the encouragement, help and prayer from our school and the parents I managed to hold on. I still remember their accompaniment, holding my hands and giving me strength, waiting outside of the operating room, going between the two ICUs on the 2nd floor and 3rd floor, and preparing food for me after the operations to make sure I had something to eat. During the first week, they made sure I got rest, they even took a break with me, because I had to fight on. They knew I had had surgery just three months prior to this accident. There were countless acts of grace from God through these challenges. There were 20,000 sisters and brothers from the churches of USA who constantly prayed for them during the time my husband was in ICU and suffering from trying to survive. Thanks to God, his condition was stable after being intubated and didn’t get worse so that he could avoid a tracheostomy. Therefore, he was able to bear a series of surgeries. My husband’s lung had to withstand the situation that he couldn’t undertake through each surgery. Because of everyone’s prayers, we didn’t give up. My husband always praised God every time after he got out of the danger and woke up from the surgery. He still gave a thumbs up even if his hands and feet were tied! Hallelujah! My God is great! My daughter had been through three operations. Everyone prayed so hard for her before she woke up from the surgery! After she woke up and got to know her condition, she was always so brave and strong except suffering from the pain. Teachers and classmates gave her lots of love and encouragements. They came to hospital every day and accompanied her through the most difficult time.今年65日先生載著女兒經過中國醫藥學院時,被違規左轉貨車撞擊,二人不支倒地,沒想到當時正好有位馬禮遜九年級學生家長也是位醫師、經過路口立刻為先生第一時間緊急急救處理,立刻召集醫院醫護急救,使他們脫離更嚴重的危險,(事後得知出事地點確是以前舊校區圍牆的位置。)先生當時已是顏面骨折,雙肺挫傷併左肺第一根至第八根肋骨骨折併左肺氣血胸左鎖骨骨折,左肩胛骨折。女兒也重傷顱內出血,左側骨、左側脛骨開放性骨折,左足1345骨折,當時爸爸痛苦不已,女兒昏迷不醒,經歷他們共六次都是七丶八小時的手術,兩週加護病房的日子,住院共21天,艱熬的過程,很多次我都面臨崩潰,特別感謝所有馬禮遜學校及班媽媽的鼓勵和協助、代禱,到現在還記得許多陪我、抓着我手給我許多力量,在急診室多次開刀房外等待,ICU二間二樓三樓的跑,開刀後為我準備好食物,確定我有吃飯,第一週陪我休息確定我有休息,因為我不能倒,他們知道我自己三個月前也才動過手術,這一切恩典是數算不盡,美國教會弟兄姊妹及各地有二萬人一直在為他們祈禱,先生在ICU期間與生命痛苦的博鬥交戰,感謝主!叉管之後各指數平穩,沒有悪化進入氣㓛,才開始接受一連串的手術,每次手術都面臨肺部再次承受不住的挑戰,但大家的代禱托住我們,每次都脫離險境,他只要在清醒時就會讃美神,就算手腳被綁住了也會豎起大拇指!哈利路亜!我神真偉大!女兒經歷三次大手術,都在昏睡中,大家努力的祈禱!當她清醒後知道自己的狀況,除了疼痛之外,一直表現出勇敢與堅強,老師及班上同學更是愛她鼓勵她,天天到醫院陪她,伴她渡過這最艱難時刻。


Before school started, my daughter insisted to come to Morrison to thank the principal and teachers who did their best to help her get back to school. Her classmates took turns pushing her wheelchair around campus. I thank God because that is all His grace, guidance, protection and healing. Three months after the accident, every scar on my husband and daughter is the mark of God’s grace. We have been through such painful accident, but God used it to bring us to the place of abundance. Their little progress every day is all relied on God’s great love and faithfulness. Every step that my daughter walks is grace. Seeing how they have improved day by day, my heart is full of endless gratitude. Without everyone’s prayers, there was no way that I could go through this. If it were not for God’s unfailing guidance, I really didn’t know how to face tomorrow. Morrison’s wall is being taken down. When God gives the strength to our school and helps the parents and students love one another, I believe the challenge will be overcome no matter how big it is. I deeply thank God for the Morrison families who have given us love and encouragement. May God be with you and you will be filled with His abundance. 開學前女兒堅持要回學校,感謝校長丶老師們伸出援手,盡量幫助女兒復學,同學輪流推着坐輪椅的她進進出出,我感謝這一切都是上帝的思典看顧保守與醫治,三個月後的今天他們身上的每個傷痕都是神恩典的印記,雖然經過這痛苦的大車禍,但神確領我們到豐富之地,每天的一點進步都是憑著神豐盛的慈愛與信實,對於女兒每走一步都是恩典,看見他們一天天的進步我心充滿無限的感恩,這次若沒有大家的禱告,我真的走不下去,若不是緊緊的仰望上帝信實的引領,我真不知道如何面對明天,就像馬禮遜學校的圍牆要被拆除,當神要加給馬禮遜學校的力量,和馬禮遜學生家長彼此的相愛支持,相信再大的難關也可以渡過!向神深深感謝愛我們、給我們鼓勵的馬禮遜家人,願神的豐盛與同在充滿於您們!





All of my life I always thought life would be simple and nothing would happen, especially to me. No tragedies, accidents, or just a simple broken bone. On June 5 this changed; I got into a serious accident and almost lost my life. This summer I was in an internship at a dental office about a 20 minute drive from my house. One day I overslept and my dad quickly woke me up. We rushed to the dental office (not speeding), but as we passed a hospital, a truck was taking a turn and hit us. Neither of us remember anything from the accident. The truck first hit my leg and then it hit my dad. I had shattered bones on both my top and bottom of my leg. I also had internal bleeding in my head, and was in a coma for around a week. My dad broke eight ribs, his jaw, and his arm. My dad was in the more pain compared to me. When we got hit, there was a doctor drinking coffee at Starbucks who saw our accident and quickly ran out and checked on my dad and me. My dad wasn't breathing so he performed CPR on him. I woke up in the hospital not remembering anything that happened. I thought I had just woken up from my normal sleep. I asked my mom what had happened, and she said that I had been in a car accident. I quickly asked about my dad and how he was, then I felt my head and ALL OF MY HAIR WAS GONE. My mom told me that they had to put a machine in me to stabilize me and find out if my internal bleeding was getting worse. The doctors were scared that if I didn't wake up anytime soon that it would affect my brain and I might wake up as a different person. My whole mind froze and I was confused about why God would put me in this situation. I've asked God why He ever put us through this and let us feel so much pain. I also had questions like why God would ever put my dad in more pain then me and how He almost took him away. Both my dad and I believe, but wondered God why would He let this happen. I was ok with my situation and me suffering, because maybe God wanted me to be closer to Him and not always think about my grades or how my friends are doing. But when God put this situation on my dad I was so confused. My dad was doing God’s work and trying to make a difference. He abandoned his original job to become a missionary and gave everything to God. This situation taught me to not always look at myself and ask why, but to truly trust God. God always has a reason for putting things in my life. Even though sometimes I still get mad about how I don't have my legs and can't do normal things, especially for my junior year where I'm the most busy and meet new people. I can't do those things anymore, but  instead I have to rest and try to get better. I need to forget all of those things and trust in God. For my situation,  I have learned to be more patient and obedient. 我的生活一直都很單純並且沒有發生過什麼大事, 特別是對我個人而言. 從未發生任何不幸的事, 意外, 或者只是一個小小的骨折. 六月五日那天這一切突然改變了; 我面臨了一場嚴重的車禍並且幾乎喪失了性命. 暑假時我在離家約二十分鐘車程的一家牙科診所實習. 有一天我睡過了頭爸爸馬上將我叫醒. 我們正趕著到牙科診所(沒有超速), 經過一家醫院時, 一輛卡車正好在轉彎時撞上了我們. 我和爸爸都不記得意外的任何事情. 卡車先是撞到我的腿然後接著撞上爸爸. 我的腿部上下兩端都產生粉碎性骨折. 顱內也有出血現象並昏迷了一週左右. 爸爸被撞斷了八根肋骨, 下顎, 和手臂. 與我相比爸.爸承受的痛苦更大. 當我們被撞到時, 正好有一位醫生坐在附近的星巴克喝咖啡, 目睹了這場車禍並快速衝出咖啡店來檢查我和爸爸. 當時爸爸停止了呼吸所以這位醫生替他做了心肺復甦術. 當我在醫院醒來時已不記得任何所發生過的事情. 我以為只是從一個普通的睡夢中醒來. 我問媽媽發生了什麼事, 她說我發生了一場車禍. 我趕緊問到爸爸以及他狀況如何, 接著我就意識到頭頂上的頭髮全都消失了. 媽媽告訴我為了讓我能夠穩定他們必須將一個機器放在我身體裡面以追蹤顱內出血是否有惡化現象. 醫生們都很擔心如果我沒有及時醒來那麼我的腦部就會受到影響並且可能醒來時會變成另一個不同的人. 我整個腦袋凍結並感到困惑為什麼上帝會把我放在這樣的狀況中. 我問上帝為何他要讓我們經歷這個並且令我們感到如此痛苦. 我也有些疑問像是為什麼上帝要讓爸爸承受比我更大的痛苦並且幾乎奪走他的生命. 爸爸和我都相信上帝, 但不解為何他要讓這個悲劇發生. 我可以接受對所面臨的狀況和痛苦, 因為或許上帝想要我更靠近他並非老是想著我的成績或在意我的朋友過得好不好. 但當上帝讓這個狀況發生在我和爸爸身上時我曾非常困惑. 爸爸為上帝工作並且試著讓這個世界有些不同. 他放棄了原本的工作成為宣教士並且將一切給了上帝. 發生這個事件教導了我不要總是只看到自己並且問為何會這樣, 而是真正地相信上帝. 讓這些事情發生在我的生命中上帝一定有一個用意. 即使有時候我仍會對於怎麼會失去雙腿並且無法有個正常生活而感到生氣, 尤其正值最忙碌且認識新朋友的十一年級. 從此我再也無法從事這些事情, 而是必須靜養並且試著復原. 我需要忘記這一切並且相信上帝









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