在中正機場過immiration後要去搭機, 這個角落有新的擺設.
A corner at the Terminal 2 in CKS airport
▼ Kids were very happy to eat free beef noodles at the airline lounge.
▼My in-laws brought our favorite maple bars when they picked us up at the airport.
公婆知道我們喜歡吃maple bars, 近幾次來接機都會帶來給我們在車上吃
▼ It's very cold outside, about10 degrees (C). We could see our breath when we talked. Our
son was trying to exhale hard to see his breath.
離開台灣時30度, 到了西雅圖是10度, 噴氣都有會冒煙呢!
▼Kids were playing cards with their cousin, William who's staying with Nick's parents.
▼Dinner. The person on the left is Jose, who grew up in Mexico and California and now stays with my in-laws
▼Jose is showing our son some card tricks.
▼Our son was trying to do the same card trick but he didn't succeed.
▼I thought to take a picture with Jose to show my mom and tell her that we have a Mexican friend now.
▼Computer time in the kitchen 廚房
▼The light blue one (second one from left) is my in-law's house 中間淡藍色那棟房子是公婆家
▼公婆家好幾年前被列為歷史古蹟, 因為有100多年的歷史
▼Our son is laying on the grass in the back yard. In the picture you see the neighbor's house.
▼ The back side of my in-law's house.
▼Their new cat, Freya
▼Their former cat passed away last year. Freya was adopted after that.
▼Church of St. Patrick, a catholic church, is one street away, but that's not where they go to church
To be continued...