國中部弦樂團聖誕音樂會, 女兒是小提琴手, 在左邊第二個, 指揮就是爸爸囉!
因為外婆未能前來觀看孫女這場音樂會, 在此post讓她欣賞, 順便批評指教或鼓勵一下!
(錄影時稍有晃動, pie say!)
Middle School Orchestra 國中部弦樂團
Brazilian Sleigh Bells . . . . . . . Percy Faith (1908-1976)/Conley
Sea Shanties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elwyn A. Wienandt (20th century)
III. Rio Grande/Blow the Man Down
Mr. Brown says,"Sorry that it is so out of tune. It's a troublesome arrangement."
Sea Shanties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elwyn A. Wienandt (20th century)
I. The Drunken Sailor
This is actually the first movement and is arranged much more skillfully
than the previous movement.
They did a great job!