1. On vacations, your parents took photos like this:
3. And ordered hot water at restaurants.
4. Before prom, your parents had stern words for your date:
在女兒和男伴去參加宴會之前, 東方父母會向男孩說 : "9點半之前送她回來
應該沒問題吧?" 男孩可能會說 : "我7點以前就會帶您女兒回來了, 好嗎?"
5. They coached you on starving before a buffet and gorging only on ribeye and lobsters. Seafood-phobes were deadweight in buffet olympics.
去吃到飽餐廳前, 東方父母會教孩子先挨餓再大吃大喝, 而且只吃牛排和蝦子.

6. When the bill came, older relatives fought, i.e. yelled and screamed in the middle of the restaurant, for the right to pay.
要付帳時, 輩份較長的會大打出手, 搶著付帳.
7. Some distant cousin or family friend's son/daughter is always being trotted out as a paragon of perfection that you're falling short of.
東方父母常拿親戚朋友的小孩來和你比較, 而你總是不如他們!
Source: zazzle.com
8. When you got sick, your parents fed you bitter herbal brews, or sent you to weird bruising traditional treatments.
生病時, 父母會餵你喝苦又難喝的中藥湯, 或帶你去做一些奇怪的治療.

9. Your mom's always convinced it's too cold without a jacket outside. And you would never, ever, leave the fan on when you're sleeping.

10. Your relatives stuffed you with awesome food. And they didn't hesitate to comment when your waistline ballooned.
親戚們總是餵你吃很多好的食物, 卻又不吝嗇的說你變胖了!
11. You ate savory breakfasts littered with jarred pickles. Rice was always involved.
吃早餐都會配很多小菜, 而且一定要有飯.
Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com
12. When they visited you, they always crashed on some relative's couch, or kicked you out of your own bed. They're convinced hotels were a ripoff.
14. For a household that was low on luxury, there were a lot of foot massagers, back massagers, massage hammers and massage accessories.
對於沒什麼奢侈享受的住家生活來說, 卻一定要有足底按摩, 背部按摩, 和各種噱頭的按摩器具.
15. Your mom put fluffy dried pork into your sandwiches, and your friends said it looked like hair.
你媽媽會把肉鬆加在三明治裡, 你的朋友都嚇壞了, 說你的三明治裡有一堆頭髮...
16. Your fridge was packed with jars whose labels never matched the food within. You also saved every jar to store pickled stuff.
你的冰箱裡很多瓶瓶罐罐裡裝的東西都和標籤不一樣. 你也喜歡保存空瓶來裝酸菜或泡菜等醃製品.
Source: bangkokgoplay.pixnet.net
18. The dishwasher was only used as a drying rack.
洗碗機不是用來洗髒碗盤, 而是用來放乾淨的碗盤!

19. In the drawers were free napkins, cups, utensils, and mini shampoo bottles they've hoarded from hotels. Also shower caps, though no one in your family has ever used one before.
抽屜裡放著免費的餐巾紙, 杯子, 和餐具, 還有從旅館帶回來的小瓶洗髮精. 當然也有浴帽, 雖然家裡也從沒人用過.

Source: pakermonkey.blogspot.com
20. Saturdays, you studied your parents' native tongues. Sundays, you practiced an instrument. Your dad was rad if he let you pick the guitar.
星期六你要上中文課, 星期日要練習樂器. 如果你爸爸讓你選擇吉他, 你會人為他是一個很酷的爸爸.(東方父母通常希望孩子學習小提琴或鋼琴.)

21. Your friends were always wondering why your parents are arguing. That's just how they speak.
你的朋友總是以為你的父母在吵架, 其實他們的講話方式就是那樣.
22. Everyone was your Aunt or Uncle but you had no idea if they were actually related to you.Also your parents call each other Mom and Dad instead of their first names. In fact you didn't even know adults had first names. 你不認識的人也要稱呼叔叔或阿姨, 你根本不知道到底和他們有沒有什麼關係. 你的父母不叫彼此的名字, 而是以爸媽互稱, 你不知道原來大人也有名字.
24. People always assume that you're related to another Lee/Chung/Nguyen/Hong/Kim that they know.
人們總是認為如果你和他們認識的朋友同姓, 那你們一定認識或有親戚關係.

25. Nothing will stop your aunts from trying to set you up with royal bores with Ivy League degrees. "Mom, we have nothing in common." "But she's a doctor from Harvard!"
你的姑姑或阿姨總是喜歡當媒人, 想盡辦法介紹名校畢業的人給你認識做男女朋友. 然後你會說: "媽, 我們背景完全不同! " 你媽會說: "可是她是哈佛畢業的ㄝ!"

26. Every year, you got money in red envelopes on New Year's.
你每年過農曆新年時, 都會拿到紅包!

27. Finally: your parents gave you everything they had and spent nothing on themselves. They know firsthand the dangers of the world, and their work isn't done until they see you settled and safe.
最後結論 : 你的父母把所有的錢都花在你的身上, 對自己卻省之又省. 他們知道這世界的險惡, 他們若沒看到你有安定的生活, 絕對不會放心.

Their clothes are twenty years old, but they sent you to college. They may be too stoic to say "I love you" but you know they do, and you wouldn't change anything!
Thanks, Mom and Dad!
他們供你唸大學, 自己的衣服卻都是穿了20年以上, 他們可能從未說過我愛你, 可是你知道他們是真的愛你, 因為他們為你無止盡的付出, 而且對你的愛永不改變.