阿母, pai say, 離開台灣前每天忙著處理老師搬家事宜以及打包行李, 居然未和您打電話說goodbye, 臨行前晚有跟哥哥說隔天會在機場打電話給您, 沒想到在機場也忘了! 我以為哥哥都會跟您報告, 昨兒個聽他說您在嘀咕著不知道我們已抵美都沒跟您說 , 才想到代誌大條了! 真是太不好意思了! 想跟您請罪可是您的Skype沒開, 只好繼續post照片給您看了!
June 2, 2013
First dinner after we arrived at mom and dad's house. Nick's sister and family joined us.
After dinner Boys played baseball at Lowell Elementary School across street from mom and dad's house.
This is the room Connor stays for the summer.
This is the room Esther stays for the summer. She loves having her own room.
We're helping dad to deadhead the rhodys (摘掉枯萎的花).
Talking to Tom, the neighbor
Connor's sketching from a book he checked out from the library here.
We went to watch Aaron's baseball game.
After the game we went to Dairy Queen to have some ice cream.
Mom and dad rode scooter back from Dairy Queen.
June 5 Wednesday
Back yard
Dad's garden
It will get warmer and vegetables will start growing in a faster pace. Usually by the time we for Taiwan, everything
is tall, especially the corn plants.
Our kids gave dad the plastic stone that says "Grandpa's Garden". We got it in Taiwan for dad, and
I can't remember what store we got it from.
Aaron's watching Nick play piano.
A neighbor's cat that looks a lot like our cat, Ginger. This cat's back has some wound from a fight.
I took a few pictures for the girls before Antione's baseball game started.
Antione's baseball game.
Waching Antione's baseball game
Antione's batting.
There was a bee flying around Connor when he was sketching in the dining room. Dad asked him what he wanted him to do. Connor said, "I don't know, Grandpa, get a shotgun?" Then dad went to the basement and really brought a shotgun with him. The shotfun belonged to Uncle Boom and dad's keeping it until they figure out whom it should go to.
We brought a bike from Taiwan for Connor to ride this summer and for college (two years later).
Connor drew part of the living room here.
More pictures to come... for friends and family to see.