阿母,接招了! 又上傳一些照片與您分享,那天和您Skype見您氣色很好, 還是老樣子(比老樣子還年輕啦)!
Jocelynn's Ballet Recital 重量級芭雷舞老師
Taking a walk at Water Front Park...
We love to walk down the street to Wright Park to jog and see the houses in this area.
At Wright Park...
One of the pretty houses on the way back from the Wright Park...
The one in the center is mom and dad's house which is 106 years old.
We ate at Panda Express after shopping at KHOL'S.
After church service...
This is what Connor drew during sermon at Lighthouse church.
Dad's cooking a big piece of beef with cranberry sauce...
Okay, mom, what deoderant do you want me to buy? All these on the shelf at WalMart are deoderant...
Playing foosball at the Maier's garage...
This is what MikelAnn made when she was in college. She showed Connor because Connor wants to study architecture in college and has wanted to build some model this summer.
Nick's sister showed us some of the work she did and had kept in college when she majored in Interior Design.
She drew this by hand.
I like this piece a lot. She used color pencils.
Girls were playing in Jocelynn's bedroom.
Their cat, Rico, was the best cat we've been seen.
Playing "Jumping frog" with cousins...
Playing "Duck Duck Goose" in the yard...
Connor's working on building his model at the drafting table aunti MikelAnn used in college.
Willilam's graduation for co-op homeschool program at Lighthouse church for 19 kids
The celebration for William's graduation at Maier's
MikelAnn的婆婆, 和先生的兩個妹妹(中文的稱謂是?)