
 *因為考慮到有外國朋友也會需要帶貓去美國的資訊 所以這篇布朗太太順便也寫英文(其實是中文比較花時間打字呢! 布朗太太真的是要多練習中打,有空時會將英文另外寫一篇,這樣中文讀者比較方便讀,較不會眼花撩亂吧!)

    從去年12月考慮帶女兒的愛貓Pepper去美國後,布朗太太就不停地上網查這方面的資訊,也開始做筆記,就是要看看是否在經濟上和實際上是可行的. 後來把整理好的資訊告訴布朗先生,也與女兒商量後,布朗先生覺得可行 (老實說我是覺得很麻煩 有好多步驟 也是好幾筆花費) 但是這是不得已的決定. 所以開家庭會議的結果就是暑假帶女兒去念大學時, 順便帶貓咪坐飛機去婆婆家, 女兒放假時還可以回grandma家看貓*.

其實我上網找有帶貓去美國的資訊時,發現分享的部落格並不多才兩位吧! 但是真的非常感激,雖然他們部落格裡有幾樣事情是和我查到與當天帶貓飛行有不同處(可能是後來規定改了) 但是仍然幫助很大,很感恩! 


We did it.  We brought our dear cat sucessfully to Seattle from Taiwan on August 25, 2017. I would love to share how we prepared for the process and what happened on the    day we flew.

Since last December I started reading information about it and found out it actually wasn't as difficult as I expected. Why did we want to bring our cat to the States? It          was because we could not bring her to our new apartment on campus. It is very sad.

Let me write down the procedure we followed this August before I forget. I searched online a lot and found the info from a few very helpful blogs and websites. 

This is what I found on the website of Taichung Branch Burea of Agency of Plant and Animal Health Inspection and Quarantine, Counsel of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. You can click the English version but it doesn't offer that much info in English.
如果你是住在台中一定要去行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局臺中分局的網站讀他們的規定 因為說不訂過一陣子會改規定
以我們實際的經驗是目前要依照臺中分局的網站才是正確的,就是要給貓咪也植入晶片,而不是只有狗才須要.所以讀者最好還是要上網站查有沒有改變規定,他們也會依照輸入國或州的規定來要求寵物主人.我們的目的地是西雅圖 當地並未要求貓咪要植入晶片 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局的網站的規定也是說不需要 但是檢疫局臺中分局說需要.
1. 申報檢疫我國輸出犬貓檢疫注意事項
( 一 ) 注射狂犬病不活化疫苗
狂犬病不活化疫苗注射日期距離輸出當日應滿 30 日至 1 年以內,犬貓滿 3 個月齡,始可攜帶至動物醫院施打第 1 劑狂犬病不活化疫苗。
( 二 ) 輸出犬貓得辦理寵物登記植入晶片
2. 申報檢疫
( 一 ) 輸出前 7 日內,攜帶犬、檢附動物狂犬病預防注射證明書或輸出犬貓免疫注射證明書、申請人身分證和護照、機票證明文件輸入國相關規定證明文件等,至本分局或檢疫站填寫輸出動物及其產品檢疫申請書申報檢疫,符合者發給輸出動物檢疫證明書,如委託代理人申辦,須檢附委託書。
臺中分局 04-2285-0198 臺中市南區國光路250號動植物防疫檢疫大樓
注意 : 辦理輸出動物檢疫時,請您先以電話洽詢各分局或檢疫站,以免向隅。
( 二 ) 出國當日,請攜帶犬貓、護照、輸出動物檢疫證明書至機場檢疫單位辦理犬貓輸出驗對。


我們買了籠子後(有先上網看長榮航空的規定, 帶貓咪Pepper去台中全國動物醫院在進化北路上的貓醫院注射狂犬病疫苗 要先預約喔! 鄧醫師人很友善, 英文很流利, 我完全不用翻譯給布朗先生聽, 我記得狂犬病疫苗是300元, 如果你是台中居民, 辦寵物登記就會植入晶片是300元, 一般是要500元的 請注意飼主名字要跟你的護照名字和機票上的名字ㄧ樣喔! 不然上飛機那天在機場檢疫中心和check-in 櫃台會有問題的. 一定要記得喔!  本來並沒打算要給Pepper植晶片 因為華盛頓州沒有規定要 再來是女兒怕他的愛貓會痛 但是寵物註冊登記是要植的 後來發現檢疫局台中分局檢查寵物時也是要掃瞄晶片的, 所以感謝布朗先生在貓醫院我和女兒還在怕貓咪痛時, 他當下贊成植晶片這個idea,不然我們還要跑兩趟.


我們的搭機日是星期五(晚上),布朗先生希望能把該做得先做好,按照檢疫局規定所說的7日內帶貓咪去台中檢疫站做檢查, 最快他們會讓我們檢查應該是星期五晚上, 但是他們晚上當然是沒上班的. 所以我打電話去問是否可以星期五下午去做檢查 但電話那頭的檢查員很有禮貌的跟我說建議是下周一帶貓咪去

周一我們帶了我這幾個月花了精神,勞力和金錢所換來的東西和文件 (貓和貓籠動物狂犬病預防注射證明書申請人身分證和護照、電子機票證明文件) 去台中南區國光路上的動植物防疫檢疫局做檢查,一進去沒人排隊, 檢驗員幫貓咪掃瞄晶片後, 我們在有冷氣的寬敞大廳大約等了15到20分鐘吧! 後來一位很和善的女官員打好文件後, 給我一份輸出動物檢疫證明, 說是出國當天要交給機場檢疫中心, 另一份右上角有印original的相同文件是下飛機後要給美國海關的.


This Veterinary Certificate for Export of Live Animals we got from the Health Inspection Bureau is for American custom office.         


這篇實在是寫得太長了!我覺得當天去機場的實際情形應該另寫一篇了,不過英文部分已經寫完了,呵呵!  還有就是想附照片,但是太久沒上部落格(很慚愧),試了半天一直還沒上傳成功!!真是拍say, 會再接再厲!

What we did in preparation and what happened on our departure day:

1. Buy a proper cage/carrier for the pet: Called EVA and found out dimensions for pets and the carrier. Bought a carrier according to the regulation.

2.Confirm with the airpline: Called EVA again to confirm bringing a cat and gave them the weight of the cat and dimensions of the cage

3. Get Rabies vaccine, chip implat and pet registration at a vet's clinic: Brought our cat to the vet to get Rabies vaccination. Paid 200NT. Because I'm a Taichung resident, it cost 300NT for chip implant and pet registration instead of 500NT.

4. Get a certificate from the Health Inspection Bureau: Seven days before departure, we took our cat to the Taichung Branch Burea of Agency of Plant and Animal Health Inspection and Quarantine. Got certificate. We were very glad that we were the only customers there. It only took about 30 minutes. No trouble at all.

5. Called the inspection office at CKS airport to make an appointment. 03-3983373 It's better to tell them ahead of time because the inspector(s) aren't always in the office especially during the office closed hours, but one of them is still on duty.


On departure day, we drove to terminal 1 (arrival) because the inspection office is on the 1st floor. We submited certificat, they checked our cat and gave another certicate for the airline and the custom in the United States. We checked in at EVA counter, they started some paper work and asked us to pay about 6000NT at a different counter they pointed. We came back to the check-in counter, they gave a ticket for the luggage and our cat. A person came to take the carrier with our cat inside away to a waiting zone. We went upstairs to food court.

When we were boarding the plan, I asked about our cat to make sure she was boarding with us. The flight attendant called and informed me our cat was doing fine and would board on the same flight. After 12 hours flight, we landed. 

I will write about what happen after that. Let me know if you are interested in knowing:)


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