從2011年的11月開始, 我這個跨中西文化的美國媳婦會在這溫暖小窩裡寫下伯朗一家的過去, 現在, 和未來的期許...讓彩色的生命不留白!

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Our friends moved from Florida to Fu Zhou, China to start an orphange for abandonded children with special needs. Here is a video of how they started after they got a calling from God.




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twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there. they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say. they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

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看見曙光 - 金智娟、謝元吉



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Visited our friends in Beaverton, Orgegon


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Ricky, this is for you to enjoy!



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Orchestra Plaza Concert during lunch time on May 25, 2012



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Dear Mother,

Sorry that we can not be there to celebrate Mother's Day with you today.  We will come to visit you next Sunday.  I am writing in English so you can have fun testing your English.  At age 68, you are still so diligently learning English and always asking us lots of questions.  I admire your courage and diligence. 

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 This is the 2nd time we went there because we knew there was Wifi at the plaza outside of the city government in Valletta.



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暑假回美國探望伯朗父母時, 女兒和我星期六最喜歡做的事就是去逛yard sale了

Yard sale 就是美國人把家裡不用的東西清出來, 放在前面的庭院賣

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DSC_1385-1     多年前自己開始做塗麵包的軟奶油, 是向一個美國朋友學來的,她為什麼要自己做呢? 因為自己做的 是 用天然奶油(即動物奶  油)加芥花油或橄欖油,沒有像市面上的植物奶油含有可怕的反式脂肪酸(Trans Fats).

    不要以為植物奶油聽起來很健康, 那是被"植物"這兩個字給矇騙了!其實裡面所含的反式脂肪酸的壞處       比  動物奶油的飽和脂肪酸還大.把液態的植物油轉換成固態的油脂的加工過程叫作氫化過程,氫化過程中會產生反式脂肪酸. (奶油抹醬作法如下)

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